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The Movie DB

Show Adult Movies

Turn this on to allow Ombi to include movies flagged as 'adult' in search results.

Original Languages

This filters what language films Ombi will show in results (i.e. if you set English, it will not show French movies).

Excluded Keyword IDs

Prevent movies with certain keywords from being suggested.
Enter these keywords in and select them from the dialog that will pop up as you type.

Click the "X" next to a keyword to remove it from the blocklist.

Movie Genres

What movie genre(s) is Ombi allowed to show?
Note, this is a filter. If you select an entry here, Ombi will only show what is selected. Select everything you want included.

TV Genres

What TV Show genre(s) is Ombi allowed to show?
Note, this is a filter. If you select an entry here, Ombi will only show what is selected. Select everything you want included.