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Generic Settings

This page contains some of the basic settings to configure Ombi.
It is a stub, and only holds settings that aren't big enough for their own full pages.

Base URL

This is for Reverse Proxy setups. Put the base url you want in e.g. if the /location block is like the following (Nginx) /location ombi then put in /ombi as a Base Url.
If you are running Ombi on startup (so it launches when the system boots up), see startup parameters for how to set the --baseurl startup parameter on your method.

Api Key

This is to use the API that Ombi provides. See here


This controls whether Ombi checks for Stable or Develop releases in the update checker.
This does not auto update Ombi - it is only for notifications.

Do not send Notifications if a User has the Auto Approve permission

This will not send the admin any "New Request" notifications if the user making them has auto approve.

Hide requests from other users

This will not show any existing requests to any "normal" user (non-admin or power user).

Auto Delete Available Requests

This will auto delete requests which have been marked available for 'x' days.
If it's set to 1 then it will delete available requests after they have been available in the system for a day.

Allow us to collect anonymous analytical data

This one is pretty simple - allows Ombi to give us stats regarding what browsers are being used to access it most, what platform it is deployed on etc.
This helps us to target dev time - better support on the most used platforms makes sense.


Self-explanatory - what language do you want as default for your instance of Ombi?
This can be overridden per-user in their preferences, should they wish to view Ombi in their own language.